Creating Culture with Clout

Man being clouted by culture

Your organisational culture can turn your company into a model of productivity, a dead end for drifters or a viper’s nest of politics. Here’s how to get it right.

1. Know exactly WHY your company exists. What is it you’re hoping to achieve? Make sure that every employee is as clear on these objectives as you are.

2. Ask employees what they think needs to be in place before these objectives become obtainable. Every single employee must have their say in this regard.

3. Use employee opinions to guide what happens next. Those opinions should inform the spirit and personality of the organisation.

4. Remember that your company culture must have a strong emotive component so that it resonates with employees.

5. Check that the three defining factors of a winning culture are in place: it should be visible, actionable and measurable.

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    Guy Martin is the founder & Managing Director of Blueprints: assisting CEOs to drive growth by increasing the alignment of their people to business goals by 50% within an 18 month period.