Through Guy’s Eyes – Bounce Forward!
As we all grapple with the impact of the last year of suppression and confusion, most leaders are thinking how their organisations can bounce back.
My sense is that bouncing back will mostly not be enough. We have to Bounce Forward!
Customers’ choices will be different. They won’t want the same old, same old and the ‘normality’ of what you were offering probably won’t cut it for them any longer. Employees’ concerns will range from mild anxiety to real panic. Leaders are going to have to be more connected to their employees than ever before. With change happening at an unprecedented rate, those who can adapt quickly and are able to pivot will thrive. Not so, for those who don’t.
As leaders, we need to rediscover our power to be relevant to the world out there, while the ‘out there’ is still not 100% sure of what it wants. And we need to provide crystal clear support structures for our employees, which necessitates a whole new Blueprint for delivering on that future external relevance. Value creation, inside and out, will determine everything. It’s effectively a sunk cost – psychologically, philosophically and financially – to let the status quo remain as is from week to week. We have to get ahead of the game.
Blueprints have developed a six-week model to cohesively and rapidly assist clients to Bounce Forward into the future; to redirect a fresh definition of what they have to become famous for in their clients’ eyes and to ensure that each and every employee knows exactly how they can contribute to that end goal. Genuine transformation for the New Normal.
Let us show you how.
Guy Martin is the founder & Managing Director of Blueprints: assisting CEOs to drive growth by increasing the alignment of their people to business goals by 50% within an 18 month period.