Empact Group Formula: Dictionary
We discovered the Empact Group Formula for Success
We identified the top line enablers which we have to have
& the bottom line disablers which we can’t afford to have
We voted to find the most important principles
We came up with the ideas to create icons
We will score the icons regularly
We wrote this dictionary. This is what the icons mean
Learn them and Live them
Top Line (Numerator) Enablers we need to do more of to optimise our success
Attract & retain the best people
- Employee satisfaction
- Employer of choice
- Seek the best and keep them
Bettering ourselves
- We take ownership of our development
- Relevant training
- Investing in our people
- Developing our rising stars
Recognise performance
- Inspiring people to perform better
- Celebrating success
- Acknowledging extraordinary performance
- Showing appreciation
- Loud hailing achievements
- Ethical
- Deliver on our promises
- Credible reputation
- Doing the right thing
- Client relationships – grow and sustain them
- Investing time in our clients
- Adding value to our client’s business
Pride & passion
- Proud to be here
- Relentless desire to succeed
- Positive energy
- Self-driven
Sales driven
- Bottom line driven
- Everybody is responsible for sales
- Sales is at the core of what we do
- Understanding our target market and competitors
Integrated services
- We need to rely on each other
- Offering optimal solutions
- Creating opportunities to expand the service offering to clients
Superior client experience
- Support to clients
- Be the benchmark for client service
- Operational excellence
Clear goals & direction
- Shared company vision for all divisions
- Staying focused
- Understanding the bigger picture
- Knowing where we are going and how we will get there
Brave & bold
- A market leading innovator
- Embracing technology
- One step above our competitors
- Challenging ourselves continuously
Bottom Line (Denominator) Disablers we need to do less of to optimise our success
Wrong people in wrong jobs
- Plugging holes
- Not playing people to their strengths
- Mismatched resource allocations
- Aggressive
- Rude and unfriendliness
- Talking down to others
- Disregard for others
Resistant to change
- Risk averse
- Old school
- Out of touch with market changes
- Comfort zones
- Inflexible
Accepting mediocrity
- Poor presentation
- Accepting average
- Neglecting quality
- Tolerating poor or under performance
Empty promises / failing to follow through
- Failing to act
- Promise and don’t deliver
- Not walking the talk
- Not doing what we say
- Working in isolation
- Working against each other
- Not sharing best practices
Bad planning
- Last minute
- Reactive
- Fire-fighting
- Not thinking things through
Losing clients
- Tolerating the loss of business
- Neglecting the smaller clients
- Taking clients for granted
Communication breakdown
- Lack of communication
- Not giving feedback to clients or fellow employees when needed
- Information not filtering through
- Lack of understanding
Ineffective procedures & systems
- Admin overload
- Too much red tape
- Cumbersome processes
- Unnecessary controls
Passing the buck
- Blame game
- Defensiveness
- Finger pointing
- Poor discipline